Rate of Preparation
Order entry takes only a few minutes. You can import data from another file. No more paper documents. Savings: Less administrative work, no overtime costs, no more paper costs, printer toners etc.
Less administrative work, no overtime costs, no more paper costs, printer toners etc.
Simple mobile app
A simple and intuitive mobile phone app will guide the technician step-by-step through the range of work. For ease of use, it has the ability to enter text via speech (Speech to Text), take photos from the device replacement or scan barcodes & QR codes.
The system offers a function for scanning device numbers. The images are automatically assigned to each individual order. There is no need to copy the data from the orders into protocols and then into your client’s statements.
Efficient Reporting
You have a full preview of the work status at any time. You can import it in any form: e.g. an excel file and send it to your client, or provide an online preview for them.
At ActisPro, we focus on the development of your business.
We want you
to focus on what matters most excellent
customer service and growing your
Our tool will enable you to do this by automating processes
have previously taken up valuable time.
Stay ahead of the game: With ActisPro, you'll manage time more
effectively, reduce costs, and enhance the quality of your services. See for
yourself the benefits we can offer you!
Become an authority figure: Share detailed reports and transparent
information with your clients. Contact us to find out how our solutions can
help you build long-lasting relationships.